Why Fax Cover Pages are Important in Healthcare

Organizations that process ePHI or Electronic Personal Health Information are required by law to protect patient data. If your organization is not using a Secure Cloud Fax solution you risk hefty fines for violating HIPAA and exposing Personal Health Information

Why fax cover pages are important in healthcare.

Fax Cover page sample mockupA fax cover sheet is an important document that helps you send out your faxes quickly and easily. It also includes information about your business or organization. Organizations that process ePHI or Electronic Personal Health Information are required by law to protect patient data. If your organization is not using a Secure Cloud Fax solution you risk hefty fines for violating HIPAA and exposing Personal Health Information for patient data that could be left on a traditional legacy fax machine for anyone walking by to view. A fax cover page would protect that data from a casual observer which is why they are so important.

What are the elements a fax cover page should include?

A fax cover page should include information about the sender including:

  • Business name and address.
  • Company logo.
  • The sender’s phone number.
  • The sender’s fax number.
  • The sender’s website URL and email address.
  • A disclaimer to provide instructions about what to do if a fax is sent in error to an incorrect recipient. (not intended as legal advice)

A fax cover page should also include information about the recipient including:

  • Recipient name.
  • Recipient's company if relevant.
  • Recipient’s fax number.
  • Recipient’s phone number.

A fax cover page should also include information about the fax:

  • Subject.
  • Number of pages.
  • A comment section that could provide relevant information about the fax.

It’s important to remember not to include protected health information on the fax cover page.

WestFax offers a custom cover page creator in our web portal that allows you to customize your cover pages. Once created you can use the cover page in our web portal, our mobile apps (Android and iOS), and our email to fax platform. Here is a comprehensive how-to video that explains the process.

Here are some FREE blank cover page templates that give you a good idea of what a cover page could look like. There is no question that fax cover pages are important in sending a HIPAA-compliant fax. If you’re interested in reducing your risk of a HIPAA violation by transforming your medical office fax workflows to a Secure Cloud Fax solution you can check out our HIPAA-compliant fax plans.

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